New Changes to the Premium Picks
When you come to D Rock Sports today you'll notice a few changes. We will still have daily free picks for everyone to check out and wager on but after receiving plenty of great feedback from all of our readers/subscribers (thank you all for your support), we've decided to make a couple changes regarding our premium picks. First off, we decided to switch over to separate packages for D Rock and myself for a few reasons. We know that some of you prefer D Rock's write ups, handicapping style and picks, while others prefer mine. Grouping them all together in one premium package like we had before created a lot of confusion as to which one of us was making what plays on a given day and that created frustration on your part. Splitting up the packages allows you to play only the plays from the one of us you prefer (or both if you would like) and that should make things easier for everyone going forward. All of the packages (monthly and yearly) that were previously purchased will still be honored and all the plays from both of us will be plugged in at Handicappers Watchdog per usual for you to monitor here. Although this appears to be a way for us to generate more revenue from our premium plays, D Rock and I felt it was a necessary change to be made for our clients to eliminate confusion and ensure that everyone knows which one of us is making the picks. Our goal remains the same as yours: to beat the books together - and we've learned that our different styles of handicapping are not for everyone so that's why we've gone on are own [...]